Cherry Tokenomics

What is Cherry Token?

Cherry Token is a fundamental element of Fleta Connect's ecosystem.

Name: Cherry Token

Ticker/Symbol: CherryPick (Cherry)

Contract Address: 0x487770734490ac571cda3bc06067048ecc5caa4e

Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)

Emission Rate

Mining started at Block #8977300. The emission rate may be changed through future governance.

*8.2636% of Cherry emitted is distributed to CherryPick, Basket & Vault and the rest of them are either burned or allocated to Dev.

Blocks on BSC are validated every 3 seconds in average.

Rates are estimates provided for your convenience only, and by no means represent guaranteed since block time delay may occur.

Its block emission is ZERO, please be careful with your staking on BSC network.

Last updated