SEASON 5 NEW Soldiers
New soldiers “Goblin Bomber” and “Crusader Knight” will be added in this season!
In addition to the new soldiers, the highest level of soldiers will be extended to level 12. Level 12 soldiers combat against the strong enemies on the battlefield with a flame appearance effect.
Meet and play with Season 5 new strong soldiers!
✅Soldier Name: Goblin Bomber
‘You can't touch me!’
🚀Skill Name: Bombs Away
The Goblin Bomber drops a heavy bomb that deals area damage. He's always in the air, so melee units can't hit him.
✅Soldier Name: Crusader Knight
‘Even til death, I will retain my honor!’
🚀Skill Name: Smite
Crusader Knight pulls his enemies in and smites them with his sheild, stunning and damaging them.
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