How To Swap?
How to exchange PKS for MPL
Press 'PKS Convert' within the game interface to transfer to the associated wallet.
PKS: MPL Swap ratio can vary in real time.
Convert from PKS to MPL
Conversion is available from 30 PKS or higher, and a 2.1% commission is included.
Convert from MPL to PKS
There is no separate minimum amount and 0.1% commission is included.
Swap Ratio
The proportion of the MPL:PKS is adjusted based on the remaining amount of the assigned P2E Reward.
It works the same as the AMM method, with an initial ratio of 1:1.
Why AMM?
There is no risk of overissuance, not a fixed Swap ratio method.
The ratio can be reflected in real time according to the supply and demand of PKS.
*Please refer to the following for P2E Reward quantities allocated by Tokenomics.
TokenomicsLast updated