How to Set Up a Node

MEVerse is open source on Github( Anybody can download codes from github.



Golang 1.18.2

C compiler(gcc 4.9.0 or later, mingw etc.)

If you sync from the Genesis block, you can start node with following commands

$ git clone
$ cd ./meverse/cmd/node
$ go build
$ ./node

MEVerse saves context snapshots once a day. You can also download latest data to start node from recent block height.

  1. Unzip the zipcontext file, you will find data folder and _config.toml

  2. Create ./meverse/cmd/node/ndata folder and place data/context file

  3. Overwrite _config.toml file's InitGenesisHash, InitHeight, InitHash, InitTimestamp in ./meverse/cmd/node/config.toml file

  4. Run after build
git clone
cd ./meverse/cmd/node
unzip zipcontext
mv ./data ./ndata
sed -e "s/InitGenesisHash = \"\"/$(sed '1!d' _config.toml)/" config.toml > config.toml_ && mv config.toml_ config.toml
sed -e "s/InitHeight = 0/$(sed '2!d' _config.toml)/" config.toml > config.toml_ && mv config.toml_ config.toml
sed -e "s/InitHash = \"\"/$(sed '3!d' _config.toml)/" config.toml > config.toml_ && mv config.toml_ config.toml
sed -e "s/InitTimestamp = 0/$(sed '4!d' _config.toml)/" config.toml > config.toml_ && mv config.toml_ config.toml
# sed -e "s/RPCPort = 8541/RPCPort = 8541/" config.toml > config.toml_ && mv config.toml_ config.toml
rm -r _config.toml
rm -r zipcontext
go build

You can exchange data with mainnet through RPC. 8541 port is set as a basic port, and it can be edited in RPCPort field in /cmd/node/config.toml.

Last updated