MEVerse Mining Ecosystem
MEVerse genesis block was created on July 22, 2019, and mining began.
There was a mainnet 2.0 update on February 18, 2022, and it has boosted the TPS (Transaction per Second) by approximately 28%, maintaining a performance of 9,000 TPS.
The MEVerse mining ecosystem was launched with a total mining year plan of 5 years.
Total Mining Reward (5 years): 160,000,000 MEV
Year 1: 60,000,000 MEV
Year 2: 40,000,000 MEV
Year 3: 30,000,000 MEV
Year 4: 20,000,000 MEV
Year 5 : 10,000,000 MEV
A scheduled amount of MEV will be issued during each mining year, and at the end of each mining year, an equal amount of MEV will be burned from the Foundation Reserve allocation to maintain a total supply of 2 billion.
The fifth mining year ended on July 31, 2024 at 12:00 PM, and approximately 10 million (9,999,857) of the MEV mined over the past year were burned (burn tx:
As a result, MEV coins will remain at a total supply of 2 billion with no further issuance.
Last updated