Customizable Multi Chain

In the conventional blockchain network, transactions and smart contracts generated from DApps take place on a single blockchain. The caveat here is that transactions exceeding a certain processable amount can disrupt the network.

MEVerse has solved transaction overload by adding a customized solution using our own independent multi-chain technology in addition to the MApp onboarding technology of the existing blockchain platform. The custom multi-chain structure includes two types: the MApp onboarding solution and the customized solution.

Both solutions are available to companies and developers who want to utilize blockchain technology or develop blockchain-based services, allowing for the free utilization of MEVerse's technologies.

1) MApp Onboarding Solution

Onboarding literally means “getting on board” on a ship or an airplane and figuratively means “settling in” at an organization like a company. For a blockchain network, it means that your service is incorporated into the platform chain to provide services (e.g., technology) smoothly.

MEVerse's MApp onboarding solution operates on the MEVerse main chain. This method is advantageous in that MEVerse can directly monitor nodes and servers, enabling backups at any time and prompt feedback. MEVerse's own blockchain technology, which increases the effectiveness of the blockchain by solving the problems of scalability, network congestion, and expensive fees, can also help MApps to be used and operate safely on the main chain.

2) Customized Solution

MEVerse's customized solution maximizes the usability of MEVerse's technologies, unlike the MApp onboarding solution.

By forking MEVerse's technologies, MApps can independently operate overall blockchain services, including the issuance of tokens and the operation of independent Formulators and Observer Nodes.

One of the greatest features of MEVerse's customized solution is that it can operate independently, regardless of the main chain, in the network without any issue even if the main chain is temporarily out of operation for some reason. Also, even if multiple companies or developers simultaneously use the MEVerse customized solution, the independent multi-chain structure, which is not interlocked with the main chain, will not cause any chain overload. Each independent chain that processes its own transaction does not affect the main chain or transactions.

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